Transfer Parts between Locations

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Transferring Parts from one location (LOC) to another:
This is a utility to move parts from one inventory site to another. Parts must be received into the new site before they become available for use.


1.From Detail tab: select a LOC that you want to transfer inventory from
2.Click the “transfer” button
3.Enter Ship to Site code (entering a % brings up all available sites to select from):



4.Select Ship Via
5.Click on row under “QTY” and press “Insert” key
6.Select the part from the part dialog and input a quantity
7.Click “OK”:



8.Click on “Save” icon to create Parts Transfer
9.Close Parts Transfer screen. Refresh the Parts screen (F5 key).
Notice the negative Transfer from the original site and the “0” value for the Ship to Site:



10.To receive the parts at the Ship to Site:
11.Go to the main menu Forms / Motorcycles / Forms / Parts Transfer Receiving
12.Select the Transfers not Received (in Transit) tab
13.Click on the desired item and then Right Click to select “Receive Transfer”:



14.Parts Transfer Receiving screen returns to the Main tab.
15.Click in the Recd Qty field and enter the qty received
16.Click the “Save” icon and the transaction is created:



17.Return to the Parts screen and do a Refresh (F5). Notice that the Parts screen is updated appropriately: