REMSsponsor zone™ — is the web interface that State Training Providers use to manage their rider training data.
REMSsz™ highlights
This is where State Training Providers enter post rider training data; Last Name, First Name, MI, DOB, DL, Gender, Knowledge Score, Skills Score (Validated), Certificate Number (validated)
Instructor Name, Telephone Number and email address is published. The Instructor Web Publish Flag must be set on for the Instructor to appear in the Directory. This is viewable by all members who have a valid login.
This allows Instructors to view Re-Certification Period Tracking for Instructor Eligibility, First Aid, CPR and PDW requisites including courses taught. Instructors can update addresses, email and shirt size. Whenever a change occurs REMSsz sends an email to the configured recipient indicating what changes were made and by whom.
State Training Providers have the ability to select from a list of training reports in a pdf format.