REMSgovernment™ — a powerful management solution for government entities; a system for maintaining statewide accountability and control of rider training data.
REMSgov™ highlights
Student Training Data Repository
REMSgov™ is a central data repository for tracking student riders, training providers, instructors, sites and training incidents. REMSgov™ provides training providers the ability to create pdf training reports for their respective student population. REMSgov™ supports user defined gender and age bracketing for training reporting. Incident Reporting is tied to the Student and Class records. REMSgov™ supports User Defined Status Grouping for flexible report filtering and Multi Year Comparison Reporting. For example, you may want to create user defined Status Groups called "Enrolled", "Trained", and "Passed" which are defined by selecting and grouping REMS reserved statuses. You can then create a report by entering the Beginning and Ending Date Period, the course(s) and the desired Status Groups. All REMS grids can be converted to Excel spreadsheets by simply pressing the Excel excel icon.
Instructor Management
provides a feature rich view of a variety of Instructor related information including but not limited to Instructor Competencies and Qualifications, Instructor Certification Tracking, Courses Taught Summary, Certification Status – User defined Active and Inactive Statuses with re-instatement timeline capability, Keep Out Dates Tracking, Email Message Tracking and optional SMS Tracking. Re-Certification Period Tracking for Instructor Eligibility, First Aid, CPR and PDW requisites including Exception Management Reporting to quickly identify expiring certifications and send email Warning Notification to instructors identifying what and when the certification will expire.
Site Management
accommodates managing multiple sites in a visible, easy to navigate manner including but not limited to RERP management supporting Submission and Approval Dates, Fixed / Mobile identification, Range Dimensions, Student Cap and Max Limits, and Course eligibility.
Incident Reporting
supports the MSF, Oregon, California, and generic Incident Report forms. REMSgov provides validation for all Incident form data fields that have a corresponding data element. This significantly improves the accuracy and the speed of the data entry. REMSgov™ links Incident Reporting to the student and the class records and provides email integration and tracking for emailing REMSgov™ Incident Reports.
Course Management
includes but is not limited to course code and description, exercise numbers and titles, license waiver eligibility and knowledge and skills score pass values and certificate validation prefix flag.
Certificate Management
is a control file that is used to validate and track certificate authenticity when posting web data to the student record.
REMSsz™ (Sponsor Zone)
is the web interface that State Training Providers use to manage their rider training data. REMSsz™ includes the following menu options. Classes- This is where State Training Providers enter post rider training data; Last Name, First Name, MI, DOB, DL, Gender, Knowledge Score, Skills Score (Validated), Certificate Number (validated) Directory- Instructor Name, Telephone Number and email address is published. The Instructor Web Publish Flag must be set on for the Instructor to appear in the Directory. This is viewable by all members who have a valid login. Profile- This allows Instructors to view Re-Certification Period Tracking for Instructor Eligibility, First Aid, CPR and PDW requisites including courses taught. Instructors can update addresses, email and shirt size. Whenever a change occurs REMSsz™ sends an email to the configured recipient indicating what changes were made and by whom. Reports- State Training Providers have the ability to select from a list of training reports in a pdf format.
REMS System Features
include but are not limited to user security at the form and object level, PCI compliance, extensive audit tracking, Excel excel Spreadsheet generation (xls and xml), Microsoft programming and networking standards compliance.