REMSdesktop™ — a collection of administrative tools to manage rider education; an integrated; automated; and intuitive system; the power to manage your world.
REMSdt™ highlights
Online Registration
This feature includes a real-time schedule with dynamic seat availability. When a class is full it will no longer appear on-line. Cancelled reservations trigger classes to reappear on the on-line schedule automatically. Registration confirmations are presented on-line, emailed, and tracked.
Credit Card Processing
REMS integrated credit card processing system supports the PayPal Payflow Pro and Authorize.net gateways. REMS integrated credit card processing can be configured for real-time or batch processing.
Fleet and Service Tracking (FAST)
The Fleet and Service Tracking system includes a comprehensive set of tools designed to give administrators an effective means to monitor and control the motorcycle fleet. The major components of this toolset include: Dealer/Vendor management; Motorcycle Make and Model management; Motorcycle Inventory management including a "site distribution" summary, repair and maintenance history, and parts usage history; Parts Inventory management including "need to buy" reporting and "pulled inventory" reporting; Motorcycle Fleet Status management; Motorcycle Repair Schedule reporting; and an integrated Purchase order system with "open PO" reporting and "PO summary recap" reporting; Service and maintenance records are tracked and recorded for analysis of recurring service issues and upcoming service needs.
Incident Reporting
Incident reports are linked to student and class records which can be printed or emailed. REMSdesktop™ significantly improves the accuracy and the speed of data entry and validates all incident form data fields that have a corresponding data element.
Cash Management
Dashboards provide detailed information about student fee processing, credit card balances, check/cash balances, gift card balances, invoiced balances, pending and prepaid balances, fee summaries, and exceptions. All fee transactions can be viewed in real-time or comparatively by day, week, month, or year. All reports can be exported to Excel spreadsheets.
SMS and EMAIL Messaging
REMSdesktop™ users can send a text message or an email push to clients, instructors, or administrators. Robust filtering capabilities allow users to easily and effectively manage group messaging.
Comparative Analysis Reporting
Reports that deal with day to day transactions can be viewed in real-time or comparatively by week, month or year.
Excel Spreadsheets
All REMSdesktop™ grids (row/column tables) can be easily viewed and exported to an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the Excel icon.
Instructor Management
REMS Maintain instructor certification requirements and status, Instructor certification tracking. Manage instructor scheduling, Instructor keep-out date (availability) tracking. Instructor preferences tracking. Payroll management supporting multiple pay methods. Instructor role and performance tracking. Easily communicate with instructors through text message and email push integration.
Class Generator
A single class or an entire season of classes can be generated in minutes. These classes automatically appear on the desktop and are immediately available on-line for student registration.